MSI Webinar: Watching People Watch TV: How Viewer Tuning, Presence, and Attention Respond to Ad Content and Predict Brand Search Lift
What do we know about what proportion of TV ads air to empty rooms and what type of ads retain consumer’s attention the most? This research uses novel measures of viewer in-room presence and attention to identify which TV viewers are actually exposed to ads, and whether these new measures predict important outcomes for advertisers.
Jura Liaukonyte is Dake Family associate professor in the SC Johnson College of Business at Cornell University. Her current research interests lie in uncovering actionable marketing insights from Big Data, quantifying advertising impact on consumer choice, understanding the impact of food labels, and incorporating behavioral economics into traditional choice models. Her award-winning work has been published in leading marketing and economics journals such as Marketing Science, Management Science, RAND Journal of Economics, and International Journal of Industrial Organization, among others. She is the area editor for the Journal of Marketing Research, and she serves on the editorial board for the journal Marketing Science. Professor Liaukonyte teaches courses on economics of advertising and on strategic pricing, as well as a PhD class on quantitative methods and she recently received Poets & Quants “50 Best Undergraduate Business School Professors” award for her teaching.
Matthew McGranaghan is an assistant professor of marketing in the Department of Business Administration at the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics. He studies the economics of consumer attention and the indirect effects of marketing interventions. His research integrates econometric methods, experiments in the lab and field and unique data to analyze questions relevant to both firms and marketing academics. He has published in top marketing journals such as Marketing Science and Quantitative Marketing and Economics. Before joining the Lerner College, Matthew received an B.S. in neuroscience from Lafayette College and his Ph.D. in applied economics and management from Cornell University.