MSI Webinar: Designing Extraordinary Consumer Experiences with Rituals
Why do we put birthday candles on cakes? Why do we care so much about how exactly we eat (and dunk) our OREOs? And why has the word “ritual” exploded in usage among marketers in recent years, with brands ranging from skin care to non-alcoholic spirits incorporating the term in their name? This session will explore the psychology of rituals – those odd, seemingly meaningless behaviors that influence our psychology in profound ways, making the mundane meaningful: a morning coffee can become a signal of our love for our partner, and a cake can become special simply by sticking some candles in it. During this session, we will reflect on existing rituals already in the marketplace, and consider how to craft new rituals to delight your customers.
Please note: the slides and recording for this webinar will only be available to MSI members, so we encourage you to attend live.
Michael I. Norton is the Harold M. Brierley Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School. He is the author of the new book, The Ritual Effect: From Habit to Ritual, Harness the Surprising Power of Everyday Actions. He is also the co-author - with Elizabeth Dunn - of the book, Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending. His research has been the answer to Final Jeopardy and has been parodied by the Onion. In 2012, he was selected for Wired Magazine’s Smart List as one of “50 People Who Will Change the World.” His TEDx talk, How to Buy Happiness, has been viewed more than 4.5 million times.