Now Accepting 2023 MSI Research Support Pre-proposals
May 25, 2023
The Marketing Science Institute is excited to announce that we are soliciting Research Support Pre-proposals.
MSI funds high-quality research that deals with topics of importance to member companies. Research related to MSI’s Research Priorities is especially encouraged.
MSI 2022-2024 Research Priorities
The pre-proposal is a short document (max 1,200 words) that outlines the topics to be studied and the researchers’ preliminary research questions and approach. MSI will evaluate pre-proposals and identify whether a full proposal will be solicited to evaluate funding potential.
Details on the pre-proposal process can be found on our website, including MSI’s Research Priorities, Pre-proposal Submission Guidelines, and a Pre-proposal Submission Link.
We look forward to receiving your submissions and are happy to answer any questions you may have. Please contact with any questions about the Pre-proposal process or general research support questions.
There is no deadline for pre-proposals. Submissions will be evaluated on a rolling basis.