Marketing Connections

Connecting ideas.  Connecting people. Connecting industry and academics. This is Marketing Connections, a podcast by the Marketing Science Institute at the Advertising Research Foundation. Dynamic academics and professionals, industry leaders and even a few surprises. Connecting you with innovative strategies, relevant and rigorous business knowledge, and a new way to look at your world.

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"Win-Wins" Between Consumers and Marketers hosted by Alixandra Barasch, University of Colorado Boulder & Kaitlin Woolley, Cornell University

Winning outcomes for businesses don’t have to come through profits, they can manifest through uplifting customers and creating positive rippling effects that extend beyond the bottom line. In this episode of Marketing Connections, we look creating win-win outcomes between consumers, marketers and businesses.

Gail Berger, Clinical Associate Professor of Management & Organizations and Deputy Director, Kellogg’s Center For Executive Women

April Oury, Entrepreneur,  Fund II Capital Managing Director, Prota Ventures, Coach With Poker Power

William Watson, Professor of Learning Design Technology, Purdue University’s College Of Education, and Director Of Purdue Center For Serious Games and Learning In Virtual Environments

Neale Godfrey, Chairman And CEO of The Children’s Financial Network, Executive In Residence at Columbia Business School,  Best Selling Author

Christina Cuzzi, Community Relations Director, Fidelity Investments.

O’Shannon Burns, Program Manager, The Sustainable Tourism Asset Management Program (STAMP) at Cornell University’s SC Johnson College of Business’ Center For Sustainable Global Enterprise

"How Personal Devices Shape Lives" hosted by Aner Sela, University of Florida

Smart phones  and wearable devices are ubiquitous, all the time, even where and when they shouldn’t be. So how have they changed us? In this episode of Marketing Connections, we explore how personal devices shape and change our behavior and our lives.

Adrian Ward, Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Texas at Austin.

Kostadin Kushlev, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Researcher at Georgetown University

Shiri Melumad, Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School

Andrea Matwyshyn, Associate Dean for Innovation and Technology and a Professor of Law and Engineering Policy at Penn State, and an Affiliate Scholar at the Center For Internet And Society at Stanford Law School

"Why Aren't Prices More Transparent" hosted by Mitch Lovett, University of Rochester

Did you ever get a bill for something you assumed was one price but the cost shot up because of a bunch of fees?  On this episode of Marketing Connections, we look at price transparency and which industries tag on fees so we pay more than expected.

Elaine Glusac, the Frugal Traveler columnist for the New York Times travel section and an award winning travel journalist

Gerard Wedig, Associate Professor of Business Administration at Simon Business School

Jean Abraham, Professor and Division Head of Health Policy and Management at the University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health

Alexei Alexandrov, former Chief Economist of the Federal Housing Finance Agency

"Change My Mind. How Do You Persuade People?" hosted by Jeff Galak, Carnegie Mellon University

How set are you in your ways? These days most us fall into routines. So what does it take to change your mind? And not just in a small and superficial way, but in a deep and lasting way. In this episode of Marketing Connections, we explore what it takes to move the needle on real and meaningful changes in preferences.

Dan Gilman, former chief of staff to former Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto

Joshua Kalla, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Yale University

Daniel Funk at Temple University’s Fox School of Business

T. Bettina Cornwell, Head, Department of Marketing and Academic Director, Warsaw Sports Marketing Center, Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon

Jennifer Perry, Director of Analytics Advisory & Consulting at Wunderman Thompson

Belle Frank, Global Chief Strategy Officer Health Practice at VMLY&R

"What's Normal Now? How Do Societal Attitudes About Certain Industries Change" hosted by Ashlee Humphreys, Northwestern University

What’s normal changes constantly.  What was once considered exotic or odd may now seem average and conventional. But how does this happen? On this episode of Marketing Connections we look at market creation, and how societal attitudes about certain industries change.

Misti Murphey, Director of Marketing, Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility at Electrify America

Paul Eisenstein, Publisher and Editor-in Chief of

Dr. John Hudak, a Senior Fellow of Governance Studies and Deputy Director, Center for Effective Public Management at The Brookings Institution and author of the book, Marijuana: A Short History.

Emily Huggard, Assistant Professor of Fashion Communication at Parsons School of Design and author of the book Communicating Fashion Brands: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives, on fashion and influencers

Amanda Russell, Adjunct Lecturer at Kellogg School of Management and author of The Influencer Code

Kelly Lundquist, SVP, Head of Health Strategy, North America at Havas Media

"Authenticity as a Virtue and Vice" hosted by Keith Wilcox, Texas A&M University

Authenticity is highly valued in our society. But sometimes the more brands, influencers and politicians try to present themselves as authentic, do they sometimes risk coming across as inauthentic? On this episode of Marketing Connections, we look at authenticity and the expectations that come with it.

Sean Greenwood, Ben & Jerry’s Director of Public Relations and Communications, dubbed the Grand Poobah of PR

Mitch Hamilton, Associate Professor and Department Chair of Marketing and Business Law at Loyola Marymount University

Daniel Korschun, Associate Professor and Department Head of Marketing at Drexel University’s Lebow College Of Business

Jesse Ferguson,  political strategist who worked on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and a former top staffer at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

David Schweidel, MSI Scholar 2018,  Professor of Marketing at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School

Dr. Jennifer Golbeck, Professor, College of Information Studies, Affiliate Professor, Computer Science, Affiliate Professor, Journalism at the University of Maryland

"Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone" hosted by Kelly Goldsmith, Vanderbilt University

Gilded cages keep us safe and stress free. But they are still cages.  So is it better to escape them and take some risks? On this episode of Marketing Connections, a look at comfort zones. We look at why taking risks can pay off for  a 200 year old brand or a start up, what propels us to take risks, and when it’s better to stay in your comfort zone.

Marshall Goldsmith, renowned leadership consultant, author several books including “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” and “How Women Rise”

Dana Medema, Colgate’s Vice President & General Manager of Oral Care

Natalie Candrian, Lead Product Designer, Saysh

David Gal a marketing professor at The University Of Illinois At Chicago

Derek Rucker a marketing professor at Northwestern University’s  Kellogg School Of Management.

Betsy Ayala, senior vice president, programming and development, HGTV

Jennifer Davidson, co-creator of Pie Town Productions and “House Hunters’

"The Drive for Dignity in the Marketplace" hosted by Cait Lamberton, University of Pennsylvania

The Oxford Dictionary defines dignity as the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect. So how does that translate to the marketplace? On this episode of Marketing Connections we look how marketers can take practical action to treat people with respect and how that can have positive results. 

Danna Singer, photographer

Dr. Frederick Wherry, Princeton Sociology Professor, Director of Dignity + Debt Network

Dr. Erica Kaye, an Assistant Professor In the Department of Oncology and Director of the Research Division of Quality of Life and Palliative Care at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee

"The Power of Aesthetics in Consumer Decisions" hosted by Claudia Townsend, University of Miami

Brands are constantly trying to come up with new ways of making their products attractive to customers. But with consumers more interested in meanings than fads, what is considered beautiful isn’t as clear as it used to be. On this episode of Marketing Connections, a look at the power of aesthetics in consumer decisions, including what’s underneath the surface.

Mauro Porcini, Senior Vice President And Pepsi-Co’s First Global Chief Design Officer

Thomaï Serdari, Professor of Marketing, Director of Fashion & Luxury MBA at New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business, Assistant Professor At The New School’s Parsons School of Design and author of “Rethinking Luxury Fashion: The Role Of Cultural Intelligence In Creative Strategy”

Marie-Charlotte Ponsot, L’Oréal R&I Global Consumer & Market Insight Director

Virginia Postrel, a visiting fellow at Smith Institute at Chapman University and the author of “The Fabric of Civilization,” “The Power of Glamour,” and “The Substance of Style.”

Bernd Schmitt,Professor of International Business and faculty director of the Center on Global Brand Leadership at Columbia Business School and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Consumer Research.

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